Once upon a time, workplace hot drinks meant boiling the kettle and either spooning in cheap instant coffee granules or a adding a sad tea bag which invariable ended up back on the counter. The process was messy, inconsistent and rarely resulted in a satisying hot drink experience.
Times have changed.......

Today, people are extremely coffee savy and tea drinkers are used to choosing between a ranibow variety of teas that speaks to their tastes preferences or desire for added health benefits. Customers and employees expect hot drinks that measure up to their high expectations.
Hot drink machine manufactuers have risen to the challenge and tea and coffee machines can now produce coffees that are indistinguishable from barista coffee and teas that are brewed perfectly every time and all brewed under a minute at the touch of a button.
This is a wonderful development but with so many tea and coffee machine options how do you choose the right machine for your business?
Office Barista takes out the guess work. We have 50 years of experience in workplace hot drinks and have only chosen tea and coffee machines from trusted brands that meet our very high standards. We work to ensure that there is a hot drinks machine option for every business type from factories to offices whether its for 20 people or 500.
Below is a guide to our most popular hot drinks machines:
The Flavia Creation 600
The Flavia Creation 600 from Lavazza Professional is perfect for workplaces where having a variety of drinks is vital. This single serve system offers 20 different Flavia sachet choices which includes Lavazza coffees, Cadbury hot chocolate and black, green, fruit and herbal teas from brands such as Twinings.
It also boasts a feature that no other workplace single serve system can. The Flavia C600 can froth any fresh milk, including dairy alternatives, in cup. Frothing the milk in cup means that there is never any taint from other milks so vegans and people with allergies can froth away worry free.
Frothing in cup also means there is never any need to deal with milk tubes that need frequently cleaned. In fact one of the great things about the Flavia machine overall is how tidy it makes things.
The Flavia sachets dispence into an internal bin after brewing so your counters stay clean and maintence is limited to emptying the internal bin, a daily wipe down of the exterior and the occasional deep clean. This makes it ideal for workplaces that are very busy and fast paced.
All of these features are great but if your machine breaks down you cant enjoy them but one of the things customer's love about Flavia machines is the reliability and longevity. Lavazza Professional rigorously test their machines and the proof is in the pudding. We have customers still using Flavia machines that are well over ten years old problem free.
Krea Touch Bean To Cup Machine
Are you looking for high quality coffee and stylish design? The Krea Touch bean to cup coffee machine from Evoca excudes good taste so is just the machine for workplaces where making a great impression is a priority.
The Krea Touch has beautiful shiny black and chrome components and modern LED lighting surrounding a generously sized, user friendly touchscreen. When the machine isn't in use or during the brewing process and you can show your branding on the screen, share updates on your business or entertain with videos that highlight your business's achievements.
We would all love a barista in house to brew our caffinated favourites but the Krea Touch is the next best thing and never fails to impress by brewing a selection of cappuccinos, lattes, mochas, flat whites and espressos that have dense foam, uniform crema and satisfying taste.
Coffetek Vitro S1
Are you desperate for fresh bean to cup coffee but don't feel you have the space? The Coffetek Vitro S1 bean to cup machine is probably the machine for your business.
Maybe you can only afford to sacrifice a small corner of the office or perhaps you cater out of a food van? The Vitro is great for business where space is at a premium with its small footprint coming in at 625mm x 305mmx 430mm and its weight only 27.5kg.
Its use of powdered milk means that there is no additional fridge to make room for so it is very easily placed.
Don't worry though you haven't given up quality in your quest for a compact machine. The Vitro S1 has eight delicious drink options!
Coffetek Vitro MIA
Great for hospitality the Coffetek Vitro S5 has a huge range of your barista favourites.
The Coffetek Vitro M5 has been developed with the help of leading engineers specialised in the preparation of fresh milk. High pressure air is injected into the milk to create millions of bubbles coated with casein, the most important protein component of fresh milk, creating a velvety and uniform texture.
When milk proteins are exposed to high temperatures for an uncontrolled period of time, they are denatured, resulting in unwanted flavours and odours. With MIA control of the temperature is absolute.
The latest generation of Coffetek MIA technology allows the density and consistency of the foam to be programmed, as well as the hot or cold temperature, thus adjusting it to the tastes in different locations without changing the properties of the milk. The efficient milk frother uses the precise amount of milk required to create the perfect foam, reducing business costs.
In addition to its foaming magic, the menu & capacity are undeniable impressive. The Vitro M5 is a robust coffee machine that is capable of delivering 250+ drinks per day if required.
You will be able to offer a full selection of espressos and fresh milk drinks from velvety cappuccinos to latte macchiatos with a deliciously thick layer of foam to satisfy the tastes of the most demanding consumers.
You can select the order in which each ingredient is poured into the cup, specify whether you want the milk to be liquid or foamed and hot or cold, and the amount of foam you want for each option.
This is only an overview of our most popular machines. If you have a particular need not addressed here please get in touch or use our handy HELP ME CHOOSE tool here on the website.
Our range is quite extensive and also includes options from respected compaies such as Bravilor Bonamat. We enjoy what we do and will love talking you through our full range and finding out about your unique needs. Let us help you find exacyly the hot drinks machine you need for your business.
Worried about the up front costs? We offer hassle free rental, leasing and operated agreements so just ask us how we can make your tea and coffee machine choice affordable.
After you purchase a machine Office Barista provides excellent after care with friendly, knowledgable service & all the office coffee supplies you need for smooth operation!